Not sure what's what when it comes to using a high-speed rotary tool? Check out our great uses and pro tips.
Whether you're being creative and making a new toy or carrying out running repairs, there are times when you need to cut, sand or grind. A rotary tool can make those tasks easier by providing a balance between power and precision.
Rotary tools can be used to drill, grind, sand and cut through lots of different media. They're mains or battery powered, they're designed to be held in one hand and allow you to use your fine motor control to work on precision tasks that require a combination of power and finesse. Whether you're cutting through a nail or shaping a piece of metal or timber, a rotary tool can be your best friend.
A 12V rotary tool is ideal for all sorts of jobs. You may have a piece of old furniture you want to restore. You might need to replace a piece of timber, scrape away some old paint or lacquer and sand away a few old splinters or rough edges.
1. Restoring loved objects
You can use a sanding disk or wire brush attachment to help with removing the old paint. As these tools are small and easy to manage, you can reach into tight corners. You can then easily swap to a cutting wheel to remove old nails or pieces that need to be replaced.
Once the repair process is complete you can use a polishing wheel to buff your final coat, so your finished project looks perfect. A rotary tool with a flexible shaft and lots of different attachments lets you get into tight nooks and crannies.
2. Get creative
Creative projects are a great application for rotary tools as they can be used to work with lots of different materials like plastic, metal and wood. For example, if you make jewellery, the grinding and polishing heads can make short work of fiddly jobs.
Diamond head bits are great for working with glass, allowing you to cut or etch objects like bottles or jars so you can create unique artwork.
3. Play it safe
There are a few things you need to remember when using a rotary tool. Although they are small and can be held with one hand, they are power tools. You should always wear eye protection. If you're working with materials that can conduct heat, such as metal, gloves are a good idea as well.
Rotary tools operate at high speeds. That means you don't need to apply lots of pressure to get them to work. Let the tool and the attachment you're using do the work. If you need to apply lots of force you may be using the wrong attachment for the job or you may need a tool with a faster rotation. But the more you use it, the better you'll get and with a bit of practice, a rotary tool can make light work of many tasks.