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Refer: Silicon Chip February1994 This tiny module uses the LM386 audio IC, and will deliver 0.5W into 8 ohms from a 9 volt supply making it ideal for all those basic audio projects. It features variable gain, will happily run from 4-12VDC and is smaller than a 9 volt battery, allowing it to fit into the tightest of spaces. PCB and all electronic components included.
Output power
0.5 W
Output impedence range
8.0 Ω
Audio power supply
Audio Device
Tools required
Soldering Iron
Estimated Construction Time
15.0 min
Application Field
PCB Width
26.0 mm
PCB Length
46.0 mm
Packaged Dimensions
20.0cm(Length) x 10.0cm(Width) x 3.0cm(Height)
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