This powerful (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program (only 35 single word instructions) CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit microcontroller packs Microchip's powerful PIC® architecture into an 18-pin package and is upwards compatible with the PIC16F628, PIC16C62XA, PIC16C5X and PIC12CXXX devices. The PIC16F628A features 4MHz internal oscillator, 128 bytes of EEPROM data memory, a capture/compare/PWM, a USART, 2 Comparators and a programmable voltage reference that make it ideal for analogue/integrated level applications in automotive, industrial, appliances and consumer applications.
This part number refers to 5 pcs of Microchips PIC16F628A-I/SO (SOIC-18 Package)
More specifications:Â http://web.mit.edu/6.115/www/document/16f628.pdf
Packaged Dimensions
5.0cm(Length) x 6.0cm(Width) x 0.5cm(Height)
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