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Low Battery Alarm

Low Battery Alarm



Perfect for 12 - 24V boating applications! Use this adjustable low voltage alarm for your next time out and about to make sure you're never stuck with low power again. Uses a 2.5v reference with the 358 Dual op-amp to compare the battery voltage and to oscillate a small buzzer on the board if it gets too low. Wire in a small LED indicator light so you can see it on your dash

You will need some spare wire to connect to battery and LED.

What it does

This essentially hooks onto the battery and gives you two outputs when the battery goes below a certain level:

  1. constant 12V HIGH

  2. pulsing ground connection. (used for grounding the buzzer and making the alarm.)

With this, the idea is that you can hook it up to anything you want. for instance, a LED that warns you about "Low Voltage" could be connected on port 1. and the buzzer could be connected to port 2. or if you wanted a flashing LED and a constant tone, you'd connect the LED to 2. and a buzzer from 1. to ground.

Materials Required

1LM358 Low Power Dual Op-Amp Linear ICZL3358
1LM336-2.5 2.5V Voltage Reference TO-92 caseZV1624
110k Ohm 0.5 Watt Metal Film Resistors - Pack of 8RR0596
110Kohm Spectrol 25 Turn TrimpotRT4650
147uF 25VDC Electrolytic RB CapacitorRE6110
1Mini PCB Mount Buzzer 9-14VDCAB3459
1Small Breadboard Layout Prototyping BoardHP9570
22 Way PCB Mount Screw Terminals 5mm PitchHM3172
11N4148/1N914 Signal Diode - Pack of 5ZR1100

It's clear from the start we are trying to COMPARE the battery level, and so we'll need a comparator to do that.

I had some idea that there was a osciliator pattern online using a simple

testing steps 2

Future Improvements

  • Play around with the circuit on falstad first to see how things work, then test for voltages on a multimeter. always triple check connections.

  • If there's some issues when you hook up loads to the output, it's usually related to the output current of the op amps. I was able to light up an LED for this project but anything more like driving a relay might need some sort of MOSFET or otherwise to trigger it. Something like ZT2466 should work perfectly on the swinging output, and you'll have to get the equivalent on the constant positive output.

  • The quickest change is to get this onto 24V systems, using a bigger voltage divider circuit so that the voltage range can drop lower. It wasn't investigated but it might just be introducing another 10k resistor on the input to comparitor A. Look up how to do voltage divider circuits and remember ohms law.

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