Expansion Lid for 15L Brass Monkey Portable Fridge/Freezer

Ever needed a bit more space in a 15 litre fridge? Perhaps the family has grown or needs have changed. Don't buy a new fridge, repurpose the existing fridge with a lid upgrade. This expansion lid increases the volume of the GH1623 15L Brass Monkey Fridge/Freezer to 20 litres. That's an extra 5 litres, and a new lid that makes what is old, new again.
Please note: This lid is a specific fit for a GH1623 model fridge/freezer and is not compatible with other models.
406.0 mm
309.0 mm
99.0 mm
Volume Internal
15.0 l
Make of outer material
Packaged Dimensions
42.8cm(Length) x 33.4cm(Width) x 14.0cm(Height)
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15L Brass Monkey Portable Fridge/Freezer
CAT.NO: GH1623
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